Spring Clean Your Marketing: 3 Things To Do Today
April 27, 2022
November 15, 2023
Written by Molly Solberg, EFund Expert Network provider and founder of MAS Marketing
After a long winter when most of us didn’t feel like getting out to shop at local stores during a blizzard or calling on our favorite service provider, it’s time to get your business out of winter hibernation and ready for the spring and summer seasons ahead. Here are three tips to spring clean your marketing efforts.
1. Freshen up Your Website
Often if you log into the backend of your website there can be updates you should install (especially on a WordPress site). This will keep your website running smoothly and loading quickly. Think about swapping out old photos for new ones, for a fresh new look. Search engines are looking for photos in next generation formats. Make sure new photos are labeled with keywords from your business. Lastly, think about adding new content, this gets the search engine bots or spiders to come visit your site and gather the new content (make sure to use keywords).
2. Try Out New Content Formats
It’s springtime and we are ready to come out of our winter coma and share the news of our business’s latest happenings! Are you always posting a photo or text status update? Try something new! How about a video or two, go Live on Facebook, create an Instagram story (each day for a week), use Canva.com to create a pretty graphic, share a behind the scenes story, or better yet post one of your fabulous reviews! It’s the time of year to spring clean your social media feeds with fresh, fun content. Aren’t feeling motivated? Check out another business you admire to see what they are doing that inspires you.
3. Don’t Forget About Emails
Email marketing is not a tool from the past. Email accounts keep growing in numbers, and so does the amount corporations are spending to send them. It’s easy to set up a template in Mail Chimp or have Constant Contact build a template for you. Once your template is built with your header and footer, you can keep the same template. Just remove the old content, add new content, save and repeat. Break your email into three sections, feature a product/service, provide a helpful tip relevant to your business, and feature an event or sale.
Reviewing these three steps will be an inspirational lesson you should get in the habit of doing each spring to guarantee your customers haven’t forgotten about you!
Molly Solberg, owner of MAS Marketing, helps train businesses to market themselves and gives them to tools and training to do so. Solberg has over 20 years of experience in marketing, public relations, sales, social media, SEO and digital marketing.
Interested in marketing support? Check out the online resources at www.mollysolberg.com.
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