Navigating Relief for Artists & Venues

Entrepreneur Fund

September 2, 2021


November 15, 2023

Spiritwood Music of the Boundary Waters - Ely, MN 

Artists and venues have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic. Pat and Donna Surface co-own and operate Spiritwood Music of the Boundary Waters, a music production, publishing, and performing arts company that provide music at assisted living homes and local festivals (Blueberry Arts and Harvest Moon), as well as festivals across the state.

“We didn't think we were eligible, and the PPP loans EF helped us secure will see us through to the other side of this pandemic. We are so grateful. You are an incredible team. Knowledgeable in this crisis - but above all, so empathetic, diligent and supportive.” – Donna Surface, Co-Owner of Spiritwood Music

The Surfaces were at a loss of how they would make it through the pandemic when the Ely Chamber referred them to the Entrepreneur Fund. To start our lending team worked with them to access a Taconite Area Relief Loan. Then a Business Developer worked with them on PPP applications which they hadn't believed they were eligible for. In February 2021 they received a first draw, and in March they receive a second draw. They are now able to honor obligations, pay their business bills, and stay afloat. Without the Entrepreneur Fund's encouragement to apply for PPP they wouldn't be looking to the future with optimism and booking performances for 2022.

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